Following Links are for Kendo Grid Solution
27 February, 2014
25 February, 2014
Generate class from database table in C#
Using SQL Query:
DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Users' DECLARE @TableSchema VARCHAR(MAX) = 'dbo' DECLARE @result varchar(max) = '' SET @result = @result + 'using System;' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) IF (@TableSchema IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @result = @result + 'namespace ' + @TableSchema + CHAR(13) + '{' + CHAR(13) END SET @result = @result + ' public class ' + @TableName + CHAR(13) + ' {' + CHAR(13) SET @result = @result + ' #region Instance Properties' + CHAR(13) SELECT @result = @result + CHAR(13) + ' public ' + ColumnType + ' ' + ColumnName + ' { get; set; } ' + CHAR(13) FROM ( SELECT c.COLUMN_NAME AS ColumnName , CASE c.DATA_TYPE WHEN 'bigint' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Int64?' ELSE 'Int64' END WHEN 'binary' THEN 'Byte[]' WHEN 'bit' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Boolean?' ELSE 'Boolean' END WHEN 'char' THEN 'String' WHEN 'date' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'DateTime?' ELSE 'DateTime' END WHEN 'datetime' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'DateTime?' ELSE 'DateTime' END WHEN 'datetime2' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'DateTime?' ELSE 'DateTime' END WHEN 'datetimeoffset' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'DateTimeOffset?' ELSE 'DateTimeOffset' END WHEN 'decimal' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Decimal?' ELSE 'Decimal' END WHEN 'float' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Single?' ELSE 'Single' END WHEN 'image' THEN 'Byte[]' WHEN 'int' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Int32?' ELSE 'Int32' END WHEN 'money' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Decimal?' ELSE 'Decimal' END WHEN 'nchar' THEN 'String' WHEN 'ntext' THEN 'String' WHEN 'numeric' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Decimal?' ELSE 'Decimal' END WHEN 'nvarchar' THEN 'String' WHEN 'real' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Double?' ELSE 'Double' END WHEN 'smalldatetime' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'DateTime?' ELSE 'DateTime' END WHEN 'smallint' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Int16?' ELSE 'Int16'END WHEN 'smallmoney' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Decimal?' ELSE 'Decimal' END WHEN 'text' THEN 'String' WHEN 'time' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'TimeSpan?' ELSE 'TimeSpan' END WHEN 'timestamp' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'DateTime?' ELSE 'DateTime' END WHEN 'tinyint' THEN CASE C.IS_NULLABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN 'Byte?' ELSE 'Byte' END WHEN 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'Guid' WHEN 'varbinary' THEN 'Byte[]' WHEN 'varchar' THEN 'String' ELSE 'Object' END AS ColumnType , c.ORDINAL_POSITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c WHERE c.TABLE_NAME = @TableName and ISNULL(@TableSchema, c.TABLE_SCHEMA) = c.TABLE_SCHEMA ) t ORDER BY t.ORDINAL_POSITION SET @result = @result + CHAR(13) + ' #endregion Instance Properties' + CHAR(13) SET @result = @result + ' }' + CHAR(13) IF (@TableSchema IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @result = @result + '}' END PRINT @result
using System; namespace dbo { public class Users { #region Instance Properties public Int32 SysID { get; set; } public String UserID { get; set; } public String UserName { get; set; } public String Password { get; set; } public String emailID { get; set; } public Boolean IsActive { get; set; } public DateTime CreatedWhenDtm { get; set; } public String CreatedBy { get; set; } public DateTime UpdatedWhenDtm { get; set; } public String UpdatedBy { get; set; } #endregion Instance Properties } }
SQL Server
21 February, 2014
Pass Javascript Array to Controller via AJAX in MVC
Create JavaScript Array:
var stringArray = new Array(); stringArray .push("1"); stringArray .push("2"); stringArray .push("3");
Ajax Call:
$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/Controller/View', traditional: true, dataType: "json", data: { methodParam: stringArray }, success: function (data) { alert("success"); }, error: function (args) { alert("Error on ajax post"); } })
[HttpPost] public ActionResult TutorAvailability(string[] methodParam)
15 February, 2014
MSMQ cannot delete or purge a queue
I think there is rights issue.
You are not able to give rights then do following step for forcefully delete queue.
This trick work for me... |
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